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UpdateMicrosoft Defender for Office 365 Updates
Software, firmware and hardware updates
The product life cycle of Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is presented in chronological order in the following summary.. This overview includes important technical updates such as bug fixes, new features, as well as news about product launches, recalls, and end-of-life announcements, sourced from Microsoft, selected partners, or the devicebase editorial team. By joining the devicebase community, you can stay up-to-date with Defender for Office 365 and its developments..
Considerations for integrating non-Microsoft security services with Microsoft 365
UpdateIntroducing LLM-based BEC detection and classification
UpdateTenant Allow/Block List in Microsoft 365 now supports IPv6 address
UpdateAdmins can see policy what-if insights for the bulk complaint level (BCL)
UpdateNew details into who or what was responsible for releasing a message from quarantine
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