
Major bug fixes

Resolved issues


  • We fixed an issue where a file failed to upload with the following error when co-authoring: "We ran into a problem with this file and can't save any new changes. Please save a copy to avoid losing your work."
  • We fixed an issue where a dropdown list would not copy when taking a print screen using Windows+Shift+S.


  • We fixed an issue where resizing issues occurred when the app was docked to the desktop.


  • We fixed an issue that caused Outlook to exit unexpectedly when expanding a conversation in the search results from a search of "All Mailboxes."
  • We fixed an issue that caused Outlook to unexpectedly exit shortly after launching for some users.
  • We fixed an issue that caused 3rd party MAPI applications to be unable to retrieve licensing information.
  • Fixed an issue with mail view appearing blank for an extended time when switching folders.
  • We fixed an issue that caused Outlook to exit unexpectedly when attaching an Outlook item (such as an email message) from the insert tab.
  • We fixed an issue that caused Outlook to exit unexpectedly when adding an attachment in some scenarios.
  • We fixed an issue where a Meeting window would not close and the meeting would not get added to the organizer's calendar if an image had previously been added into the body of the message and the organizer was attempting to reopen the meeting and add new attendees.
  • We fixed an issue that caused users to be unable to synchronize email with the Exchange ActiveSync protocol.


  • We fixed an issue where users were not able to create a bullet list with hyphens.
  • We fixed an issue where an error message would appear when opening a copy of a file.


  • We fixed an issue where the wrong paper size was chosen when two paper sizes in a printer were close to 1/6th of an inch of each other.
  • We fixed an issue where the font would switch from Aptos to Times New Roman when typing in a new email.
  • We fixed an issue where the default font Yu Mincho Demibold would change to Yu Gothic when the user moved to the next line.
  • We fixed an issue where the error message "Compile error" would appear when opening a .docm file.
  • We fixed an issue where only one document would open when trying to open several files containing SQL data from File Explorer or the desktop.

Office Suite

  • We fixed an issue where entering in Notes on tasks in the Planner resulted in data in Power BI and Excel Export to have unnecessary empty lines.
  • We fixed an issue that caused event based add-ins to be unable to display the Info Bar in Win32 Outlook.
Version: 17328.20142 Link
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