Resolved an issue in Word and Outlook where characters didn't render correctly
UpdateMicrosoft Office 365 Updates
Software, firmware and hardware updates
The product life cycle of Microsoft Office 365 is presented in chronological order in the following summary.. This overview includes important technical updates such as bug fixes, new features, as well as news about product launches, recalls, and end-of-life announcements, sourced from Microsoft, selected partners, or the devicebase editorial team. By joining the devicebase community, you can stay up-to-date with Office 365 and its developments..
Fixed an issue where the filter drop downs were missing on PivotTables in outline
UpdateWe fixed an issue where embedded BMP images in the PowerPoint slide were not opening.
UpdateExcel:Comment Filtering: Enable filtering capabilities for the comment pane
UpdateMS Word Bug fixes
UpdateMS Project : Fixed an isssue where signed macros would not run
Updatefixed: save status is missing from the Title bar.
UpdatePowerPoint- Modernized user-defined permissions experience
Updateremoving Flip video support when the service goes offline
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