
Does Microsoft require an additional subscription for teams?

Is Microsoft Team already included in Office 365 without an additional subscription?

user2229 / expert (1158)


Top answer
You can also use teams completely free of charge, but without Office 365 functions.
Otherwise, Microsoft Teams is included in the Office 365 license, but its scope depends on its level (Business Essential, Business Premium, etc.).

over9k / expert (2327)

In addition to the previous answer: For a Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) you would need MTR license for each room you would want to deploy.

ernesto / newcomer (8)

That depends on the extent to which you want to use teams. Only as a guest at meetings you don't need your own license; an invitation link is sufficient.

If you want to create teams and channels yourself and use other Microsoft 365 applications, you need one of the licenses. Which license you need depends on your requirements.

You can find an overview of what is included in which Microsoft license under Compare Microsoft Teams Prices and Offers - Microsoft 365.

user97077 / enthusiast (200)

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