
KB5040437: This Update adresses issues regarding windows installer

Improvements & Fixed issues

Absent apps and features

  • Some apps and features are absent after you upgrade to Windows 11.

Windows Installer

  • When it repairs an application, the User Account Control (UAC) does not prompt for your credentials. After you install this update, the UAC will prompt for them. Because of this, you might have to update your automation scripts. Do this by adding the Shield icon. It indicates that the process requires full administrator access. To turn off the UAC prompt, set the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Installer\\DisableLUAInRepair registry value to 1.

Double-wide character set range

  • This update adds new ranges to the double-wide character set range. This ensures that the PowerShell console identifies and handles them the right way.

Input Method Editor (IME)

  • The candidate list fails to show or shows in the wrong position.

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

  • A malformed Human Interface Device (HID) descriptor causes WPF to stop responding.

Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH)

  • Users cannot connect to the RDSH. This occurs because dwm.exe stops responding.

Remote Desktop MultiPoint Server

  • A race condition causes the service to stop responding.

Windows Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS)

  • Its Post Authentication Actions (PAA) do not occur at the end of the grace period. Instead, they occur at restart.

Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) protocol

  • This issue is related to MD5 collisions.
Version: 20348.2582 Link
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