Sleep mode or stand-by mode?
Does anyone know if there is a way to get it into stand by mode over night so its not constantly draining the battery and having to charge from close to zero right away?
Does anyone know if there is a way to get it into stand by mode over night so its not constantly draining the battery and having to charge from close to zero right away?
Unfortunately, there is no direct instruction for a standby or energy-saving mode. The robot automatically switches to standby mode when it is unloaded and unused. The maximum standby time is 22 hours and the battery charging time is around 1 hour. According to the manufacturer, 10 minutes charging time is sufficient for 2 hours and 40 minutes operating time. It therefore seems extremely unlikely that the robot will reach a zero battery level.
It may be helpful to check the battery and ensure that the robot meets the above specifications.
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