Expansions to TSN and security
The second maintenance update of the PROFINET v2.4 specification brings several additions and improvements:
- With the collaboration in cross-fieldbus coordination in IEC/IEEE 60802, few definitions have been adopted directly to PROFINET, such as device model for end stations and bridges - IEEE802.1Q, the NetConf/YANG configuration model, and the IETF security configuration model
- Link speed transitions from Ethernet-APL or SPE environment has been incorporated, applied to all possible transitions from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps making the PROFINET an optimal system for process automation
- Security Class definitions have been included, with the topic of certificate management for security Classes II and III
- A variety of additional improvements have been included, as well as formal aspects such as the new IEC Style Guide and enhanced GSDML guidelines for more readable representation