FT 300-SRobotiq
FT 300-S

Cause for offset in sensor data

An offset has occurred in the sensor data. What is the reason for this and how can I correct the offset if necessary?

wleavy / newcomer (68)


Top answer

There are several reasons for an offset to occur. For example, a change in ambient conditions is a possible cause. Misalignment can also occur if the sealing rings are displaced in the event of an overload.

cs / expert (5683)

These offsets do not lead to a de-calibration of the sensor, as they are actually recognized as an effort for the sensor. Any additional force exerted on the tool side of the sensor is read off normally.

In all cases, it is advisable to have a software offset that compensates for these deviations in addition to the effort caused by the tool weight for a given orientation. It is preferable to set the software offset before using the sensor data so that the robot software uses a correct and consistent reference.

Joaquin / enthusiast (101)

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