
Update for Zoom Events

New or enhanced feature

Attendee features

Enhancements to content age display in hub tiles

  • Attendees can view content age in the hub through an improved timestamp system that adapts based on the content's age. The system uses specific formatting rules: content less than two weeks old shows in days, content between two to four weeks displays in weeks, and older content appears in months or years. Single units are displayed in singular form (1 day, 1 month, 1 year), while multiple units use plural forms. This new format applies to Past events and VOD sections, making it easier for users to identify and sort through content chronologically.

Event setup features

Improved promo code visibility during event setup

  • Users can easily discover and access promo code functionality directly from the event setup flow through the What's new section. When they click Try it now , they are guided through the registration and join settings, event access configuration, and feature customization process. The streamlined journey automatically enables promo code functionality and simplifies the code creation experience by updating field labels.

Expanded survey capacity with support for up to 100 questions in events

  • Hosts can create surveys with up to 100 questions for their Zoom Events and Sessions events. The increased question limit matches the existing survey capabilities available in webinars.

Enhancements to time picker positioning

  • Hosts can access a more intuitive time selection interface with the time picker now centered in the middle of the screen. The time options display above and below the selected time, providing better visibility of available time slots. When users open the time picker, the current selection appears in the center position instead of at the bottom, allowing for easier scanning of earlier and later times.

Enhancements to active session settings with restart requirements

  • Users will receive prominent visual notifications when modifying settings for running meetings or webinars in Zoom Events. The system displays a persistent banner that cannot be scrolled out of view, informing users that setting changes require a session restart to take effect. When saving changes, users are presented with a confirmation dialog that explicitly states the restart requirement.
  • For events with multiple sessions, the system clearly indicates that modifications only apply to new sessions, while current sessions must be restarted to implement the changes. These improvements ensure users understand when their setting changes will become active, reducing confusion and improving the session management experience.

Customize special role invitation emails with the email builder

  • Hosts can customize the content of special role invitation emails for speakers, alternative hosts, moderators, interpreters, and exhibitors in the email builder. The default email, which includes basic event details, join information, legal information, join method, and role-specific permissions, remains unchanged. Hosts can also preview, send test emails, reset content, and modify the email using the builder.

Customizable special role reminder emails for events

  • Event organizers can customize the special role reminder email content. They can access the email builder to edit the email's from name, subject, recipient, schedule, and style. The email builder includes components specific to the role such as special permissions, legal content, and join methods. Event organizers can preview, test, and reset the email before sending.

Customizable booth owner invitation email with role-specific components

  • Hosts can manage and customize the booth owner invitation email for Zoom Events. The email management list includes the booth owner invitation email, allowing hosts to control and edit its content. Within the email builder, they can modify the email's style, sections, and blocks. The builder includes role-specific components like event registration, logo, calendar, legal information, and join methods tailored for booth owners.

Events features

Improved session management for event hosts

  • Hosts can control the visibility of both past and future sessions in the event detail session list and registration options using a toggle:
  1. When selecting All Sessions, both past and future sessions are displayed.
  2. When choosing Specific Sessions, hosts can select which sessions are visible in both the event detail and registration sections.
  3. When selecting Future Sessions Only, only upcoming sessions are shown in both areas.

Integration features

Enhancements to Marketo program member status

  • Event marketers can use a new program member status called Attended on-demand to track leads who watch a webinar recording, especially if they registered for the original event but did not attend live. This allows them to easily target these individuals for follow-up campaigns. The new status is automatically applied based on the following scenarios:
  1. Someone registers for the event, attends live, and watches the recording.
  2. Someone registers but does not attend live, and watches the recording afterwards.
  3. Someone registers after the event and watches the recording.

Payments and Billing features

Reminder to update business information reminders for paid events

  • Hosts with existing or upcoming paid events must provide business information to maintain platform compliance. The system will automatically send reminder emails to users who have not completed their business information under the I want to host paid events section. Users can access business information settings through the Zoom Events portal. The reminder system includes both email notifications and in-product messaging to guide users through the process.

Block paid registration for incomplete business information

  • Hosts must provide business information under the I want to host paid events section of their hub's Business info to continue accepting paid registrations for their events. For regulatory compliance, hubs without completed business information will have their paid registration buttons disabled starting February 20, 2025. Affected hub owners and hosts will receive email notifications about this requirement. A banner within the hub interface alerts users to complete their business information.
Version: Varies with device/platform Link
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