Alexa Voice Service
Is there a way to turn off Amazon Alexa calls and messages somewhere?
Is there a way to disable or block Amazon Alexa calls and messages anywhere?
Is there a way to disable or block Amazon Alexa calls and messages anywhere?
simply call amazon customer service, who will support you.
In the settings of the Alexa App you can switch to "Do not disturb". Then there should be no more incoming calls and messages. You can also schedule this if you only want to receive messages during the day.
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Alexa music is going wrong?
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She doesn't play music like she used to?
When you ask for a group or artist you got it. Now she plays that group or artist and then others that are like them...
Alexa Hue Issue?
Sorry if this has already been asked. I have had Alexa for a few years and my house is full of Philip Hues globes running...
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