
Adds a new search filter for the Device/Signal Processing list


? A new search function filters the Device/Signal Processing list based on the search term to simplify finding devices in the list.

✔ ️ The Dante Firmware update dialog has improved messaging directing the user to the DanteUpdater application which can be accessed from Dante Controller.

Resolved Issue(s)

✔ ️ [General Issues] A Commercial Sound Processor (CSP) or PowerSpace+ can now be installed on the same network with ControlSpace devices.

✔ ️ [General Issues] User changes to the wiring in Project and Signal Processing views not properly being saved.

✔ ️ [General Issues] Audio route labels with Conference Room Router being improperly updated.

✔ ️ [General Issues] Addressed issue that caused merged files to be corrupt.

✔ ️ [General Issues] Addressed issue where ControlSpace Designer will crash when retrieving a project file which contains a project/device IP addresses outside of the current project network addressing scheme.

✔ ️ [General Issues] Issue related to crash with an ESP-00 using CobraNet card when Check System Resources is performed.

✔ ️ [General Issues] Updated Project View icons for ArenaMatch arrays.

✔ ️ [Audio Processing] Dialog for Dante firmware update now reads "Please use Dante Updater which is accessed from within Dante Controller to update ControlSpace Dante Devices."

✔ ️ [Audio Processing] Calc ESP Resources crash related to when Predictive Feedback Suppression function is used in a design.

✔ ️ [Audio Processing] Loading a saved PEQ with fewer bands than is in the PEQ block no longer clears/removes the extra bands.

✔ ️ [Audio Processing] Stereo Room Combiner not correctly routing the BGM signal to more than 3 processors when Dante is used for BGM distribution between processors.

✔ ️ [Audio Processing] User is now warned when deleting a Dante Audio Routing block within a processor as it will affect the Dante audio routing.

✔ ️ [Audio Processing] AEC Gain not being properly stored when settings are saved to the processor.

✔ ️ [Audio Processing] EX-1280 crashes when a project file containing a eter Set List with modified a Matrix Mixer.

✔ ️ [Audio Processing] Matrix Mixer port count is now properly set to the correct I/O of the device.

✔ ️[Control] Deleting items within a eter Set and subsequently deleting the eter Set does not fully delete the eter Set.

✔ ️[Control] Using a CC-64 to control the gains within an EX processor does not use defined step size for

gain changes.

✔ ️[Control] CC-xD controllers not controlling output gain of PowerMatch devices.

✔ ️[Control] Room Combine state is now read only using SoIP.

✔ ️[Control] SV/GV now works for Dante I/O in EX processor.

✔ ️ [ControlSpace Designer Logic Blocks] Assigning a Logic Action from an ESP-00 to a Trigger on an EX-1280 will result in an error.

✔ ️ [ControlSpace Designer Logic Blocks] If you connect the logic out of a USB to a eter Set Recall block, when you go online, the connection disappears.

✔ ️ [Dante] When a Dante device is no longer associated with a project it still shows as "connected and


✔ ️ [Dante] Slow response of endpoint connection status once devices are discovered.

✔ ️ [Dante] "Add Dante Endpoints" menu item is now disabled when Dante Control is disabled.

✔ ️ [Dante] Control of Dante for an EX-1280 using serial IP (SV/GV) not working.

✔ ️ [Dante] When Dante I/O is added to a group the properties of the Gain are not properly stored.

✔ ️ [Dante] Dante device Project View icons not properly updated to show Domain enrollment when assigned to a Dante Domain within ControlSpace Designer.

Known Issue(s)

? [General Issues] When the network address of the active network interface does not match the Project Network Address Dante devices will not be discovered and added to the Project View.

? [Signal Processing] If a USB Input Module is not wired to an Output Module, that Module will not show Metering data.

? [ControlSpace Designer Logic Blocks] Assigning a Logic Action from an ESP-00 to a Trigger on an EX-1280 will result in an error.

? [ControlSpace Designer Logic Blocks] The states of Logic Connectors within the Logic Wiring View may sometimes show the incorrect state. This does not affect the functionality.

? [ControlSpace Designer Logic Blocks] PSet is not recalled via PSetRecall block if the PSet selection within the PSetRecall block is changed after the PSetRecall block has been wired and when wired from the PSetRecall block to another block.

? [ControlSpace Designer Logic Blocks] The logic out of the meter block never changes color although it triggers correctly.

? [Dante End Points] The EX-8ML may boot up with a Local address upon first use, rather than DHCP. Rebooting the device will then revert the address to DHCP.

? [Telephone Call Functionality] PSTN and VoIP Ring and Voice Levels are not being properly set. There is no difference in audible level between 0 dB and +10 dB.

? [ControlSpace Remote] On an Avaya system It is not possible to end a VoIP call with CSR when the Far End is in a "Hold" state.

? When programming Selectors, Gains, Analog s/Outputs for GPI digital, they may not function when using EX-1280C with Legacy devices.

? PowerMatch will not alert the user to a Digital Audio loss (Dante, AmpLink, ESPLink, CobraNet or other Digital Audio Sources).


? The internal hardware for analog to digital, (A/D), and digital to analog, (D/A), circuitry has been changed in the ESP and EX processors, and EX endpoints. The use of new circuitry necessitates a firmware change to support the new hardware. During the firmware update process the ControlSpace Designer software will detect which circuitry version is present and will load the correct firmware. For reference the new A/D and D/A hardware was implemented in the following processors:

  • ESP-880A (Manufacturing Start: July 2021 | Date Code: 1201)
  • EX-12AEC (Manufacturing Start: July 2021 | Date Code: 1201)
  • EX-1280 (Manufacturing Start: July 2021 | Date Code: 1201)
  • EX-1280C (Manufacturing Start: August 2021 | Date Code: 1228)
  • EX-440C (Manufacturing Start: July 2021 | Date Code: 1201)
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