Bose Videobar™ VB1 Support
Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to Bose Videobar™ VB1 within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. Bose representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.

All questions about Bose Videobar™ VB1
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What is the default password?
I would like to use the Bose Work Configuration software to configure the VB1. What is the password to log in to the device?
Will DisplayLink work on my MAC?
With MAC, as with Windows, can I share my screen content via the USB-C cable via Displaylink?
In a first test this did not work, what...
Why is there no picture on the HDMI output?
I have connected my (Windows) notebook via USB-C. However, the HDMI output does not show any picture. What could be the problem?
How to pair the Bluetooth of the VB1 with a cell phone?
I would like to pair my smartphone with the VB1. What is the procedure for this?
For which scenarios is Displaylink recommended?
You can disable Displaylink in the Bose Configuration software.
In which scenario is the use of Displaylink recommended?
Are drivers required to use the device?
To use VB1 on Windows or MAC, do I need to install drivers?
Energy saving mode?
When should one deactivate the "energy saving mode" option in VB1?
For which application is the CTRL input intended?
For which application is the CTRL input intended?
What settings are received with ClickShare?
We would like to use the VB1 in combination with ClickShare CX-30.
Are there any recommendations or experience values with which settings / parameters this works...
Slowness software?
Using a Macbook Pro M1 2021 with Monterey, the Bose work configuration runs very slowly, it is difficult to recognize the vb1, I have to...
What is the advantage of integration into the network?
The VB1 has LAN / WLAN. What are the advantages of integration into the network or connection to the Internet?
Why does not Displaylink option stay active?
I have 5 VB1s connected to a screens in my workplace area.
Every single one of them are having the same issue.
I cannot connect my Laptop...
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