CANopenCAN in Automation

What is the difference between CANopen and DeviceNet?

Do CANopen and DeviceNet relate to each other? What are their operational differences and use cases when it comes down to the end devices?

finlay-r / enthusiast (112)


Top answer

Both CANopen and DeviceNet are high-level communication protocols based on the CAN standard Physical and Data Link layers.

They function similar but here are some of their differences:

CANopen support 127 devices/nodes on its network, while DeviceNet can control only up to 64 nodes.

The DeviceNet components from different manufacturers can be easily integrated into the same system because of the strict specification of the physical layout.

When it comes to the physical implementation, CANopen is much more flexible and also more communication features are supported.

CANopen also supports a high level of customization and a variety of optimizations when it comes down to a specific application, all that in order to achieve the best possible performance.

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