Alexa Routine May I get up?
Hello dear Forianer,
I am not sure anymore if I am in the right forum but I will try anyway.
I would like to create an Alexa routine.
Question: Alexa, can I get up already?
IF time < 06.00 am THEN: Voice response from Alexa: "No dear child, it's not 6 o'clock yet. Mommy and Daddy still want to sleep.
"ELSE IF time >= 06.00 am THEN: Voice response from Alexa "You can go downstairs and play. If you don't want to be alone go to the bedroom to cuddle with daddy and mommy."
My main problem right now is the time of day. I can trigger certain times on Time and Date but not before or after a certain time....
By the way, this will be my first contact with Alexa routines AND IFTTT, so I'm especially grateful for detailed answers ;)
Kind regardsogli
(Marco Oglialoro)