Rally Bar MiniLogitech
Rally Bar Mini

How are the camera zones set up?

Hello how are the camera zones set up?


Top answer

Camera Zone allows you to define a specific area for the camera to actively detect and frame meeting participants, eliminating distractions from individuals outside of meeting rooms and designated meeting spaces.

Camera Zone is supported on Rally Bar and Rally Bar Mini in appliance mode, starting with CollabOS 1.9. This feature is compatible with RightSight 2’s Group View, Speaker View, and Grid View. In a future CollabOS update, we will expand support to Room Occupancy and Auto Wake-up.

Device Settings

  • Go to Logitech settings:
  • Tap on Camera.
  • Activate RightSight 2.
  • Enable Camera Zone.


  • Set the preferred left and right edges using the sliders on your touch controller.

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  • Set the distance for the zone.
  • Preview the zone on the display. Test it by walking around in the meeting space. The interface will indicate if you are in or out of the zone.

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logitech / expert (2453)

Local Network Access

  • Login to your Local Network Access portal.
  • Tap on Camera.
  • Activate RightSight 2.
  • Enable Camera Zone.

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  • Set the preferred left and right edges using the sliders on your touch controller.
  • Set the distance for the zone.
  • Preview your changes live by calling into the room with at least one in-room participant and making adjustments while on the call.

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logitech / expert (2453)

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