Miniserver search will now display an information when firewall blocks search
User Management
- A3D9-T1422: Permission Management Dialog – Remove sub dialogs, configuration is now done in separate tabs
- A3D9-T1420: Permission Management Dialog – New column “edit all settings for this control”
- A3D9-T1421: Permission Management Dialog – Add Support for Categories
- A3D9-T1424: Permission Management Dialog – Separate visualization and access into own tabs
- It is not possible to permit access to all NFC’s via room assignment anymore!
- Access Controls which are permitted via room to user/group automatically get an own permission entry during conversion
- Switching timers are exclusively used for access-times and can’t be configured on other controls or rooms any more
- A3D9-T1423: Show all Permissions Dialog: single line for controls with multiple permission paths
- A3D9-T1425: Add Visualization prohibitions. Prohibitions are higher priortized as permissions and are inherited to group members
- A3D9-T1419: Permission Management Dialog – show and filter for controls used in Visu
- BG-T3585 reworked SD format dialog
- Send of TechReport for Miniserver
- Text Generator: New parameter to regenerate the text in a regular interval
- A3D9-T1439 Added control history to Window
- A3D9-T1438 Added control history to Gate Controller
- A3D9-T1464: New output “Nv” (Next forecast price) for Spot Price Optimizer
- Update of internal Audio on Miniserver compact is now done after the reboot resulting in a much faster update process
- Touch Pure Flex Controller
- A3D9-T1549 showing dialog with most important settings when creating a new room
- Room type is now mandatory
- This ensures to have proper defined types for Auto Configuration
- A3D9-T1562: Meter for Storage Slvl output
- F5 search now allows to search by keywords for controls
- A3D9-T1544: Caller inputs now display the caller name if no custom name is used
- A3D9-T1540: Added control history to roof window shading
- A3D9-T885: Selected Periphery (Actors/Sensors) can now be duplicated by context menu or keyboard shortcut
- A3D9-T1552: Settings now always show their clickable buttons if they have any
- Planning – White satellite speakers
- Modbus Actors now all have a repetition interval of 1h
- Existing projects get converted
- Modbus devices often fail to retain the set values across a power reset, resulting in invalid behaviour, setting the value automatically again resolves this
- A3D9-T1350 Debug Monitor Support Audio Part of Miniserver Compact
- Multiplicator: Disable transfer/usage of Modbusserver/device objects on selected Miniservers
- Set maximum device limited for Tree to Air Bridge to 128
- A3D9-T1550: Miniserver search will now display an information when firewall blocks search
- Room Type of the room an object is in now shown for each object in the settings
- Can be used for filtering
- Added “New…” entry to room & category selection to easily create a new room/category
- A3D9-T1551: No Red LED on new Miniserver
- A3D9-T1557: Internal address set to Hostname when Miniserver activates Default Program
Auto Configuration
- A3D9-T1554: When there is shading and temperature measurement – create IRC
- A3D9-T1555: Improved descriptions for conditions
- A3D9-T636: Option for HVAC Controller
- BG-T3569 Prepared volume optimizations for ISP Speakers (needs activation prior usage, internal)
- BT-T3571 Add support for authenticated Custom Streams (needs App support)
- Peer Certificate Verification between Audioservers enabled
- Added ‘starting’ state to an audio device that performs an update instead of showing ‘offline’
- BG-T3595 remove applying default EQ Settings when adding Amp outputs on Audioserver / Extension.
- BG-T3596 add watchdog for system services (avahi)
- BG-T3560 add Multi-Schedule Support for Soundsuit
- Several optimizations for synchronous playback
Bug fixes
- BG-I33478 Presence Control pulses on Pon/Poff switched if output P is Inverted
- BG-I33493 Presence Control locked via app gets unlocked by activating input
- BG-I33474 User-Import fixed encrypted NFC tags and custom user fields
- BG-I33509 Automatic designer actions: negative values not properly serialized
- BG-I33533 Custom system message permitted to room not seen by all users
- BG-I33845 Virtual Output Command cannot be added to Media Player
- BG-I33848 Database Connector added autoconnect for userid-inputs
- BG-I33845 Control History no origin shown when action is triggered by Automatic Designer Rule/Scene
- BG-I33865 Autoupdate uses too much RAM
- BG-I33872 Sorting of Modbus Air
- BG-I33177 Extremely long caller message (>32000 characters) is never sent and no error message created
- Name of fixed operating modes (e.g. weekdays) automatically updated to config language
- BG-I33129 Improved startup speed by loading plugin configuration only on demand
- Adapted AlarmClock default value for Nightlight brightness when inactive
- BG-I31746 Dialogs are not clickable when being opened from a narrow property window
- BG-I33424 NFC Authentication text outputs not saved with remanence
- Project shown as not identical when saving it on the PC
- DatabaseConnector configuration dialog: show names of connected inputs when editing custom input names
- BG-I32819 stored column visibility wasn’t restored properly in device learning dialogs
- BG-I33722 custom input names for DatabaseConnector function blocks were lost when saving to / loading from Miniserver
- BG-I33720 corrected HealthCheck state when manually starting the only available diagnosis
- BG-I33727 Miniserver credential entries were shown twice in Keychain list when saving them to Exosphere
- Bumped Minor version due to year change
- BG-I33066 Schedule invalid value on output Om while app-timer is active
- BG-I33273 cut/paste of presence control does not recover used controls
- BG-I32412 Saving parameters as default for Air/Tree Sensors creates invalid settings
- BG-I33449 Audio Player fixed grouped can’t be selected in Touch Pure Flex Configuration dialog
- BG-I33479 Miniserver spams weather service when service is incorrectly reported as active
- BG-I33692 Wrong dialog gets opened when Miniserver is being configured, and dialog is opened via temporary settings window
- BG-I33425 Document not set to modified, when custom changes are loaded
- Modbus actors don’t have repetition rate set per default
- BG-I33693 Nano DI Tree cover page texts overlap when texts are too long
- getstatisticinfo webservice does not work on clients
- A3D9-T1454 Order of On/Off in and outputs unified
- BG-I33176 UDP Output not rounding correctly
- BG-I33305 Not possible to set room size to decimal value in room edit window
- BG-I33356 Text memory flags are coloured yellow in live view when “…” is shown even when no text is there
- BG-I32984 Room of custom system object gets lost· BG-I33068 System variable negation doesn’t work
- BG-I33083 Timer Function Block Switching off a manual Timer is delayed
- BG-I33074 Presence Control invalid autoconnect-proposal for digital inputs
- BG-I32988 Command recognition field missing link to documentation
- BG-I32783 Receive timeout value on Touch Air doesnt adjust as stated in documentation
- Databaseconnector multiple references on client miniserver do not work
- BG-I33144 Disable cyclic sending of Databaseconnector on clients
- BG-I33056 Renaming device causes dublicate texts in ‘Online Status’ input
- BG-I33118 Wallbox loses assignment to Wallbox Manager when cutting and pasting Wallbox Manager
- Dali Extension for 10 devices still hidden
- BG-I33243 Virtual http input search result highlight shifted by one position
- BG-I33158 Dimmer extension value in Liveview not matching
- BG-I33138 Network periphery objects have Visual Identification option
- BG-I32995 Table lamp air battery low state more info
- A3D9-T1463 Api actors are not shown as active in Live View when they are activated
- BG-I33298 Gateway distributes wrong file to client after update
- #BG-I33187 Runtime Counter: does not start when En input is inverted and counter stops after saving into Miniserver
- BG-I30845 Pulse At day change pulse not created sometimes
- Exosphere: Requesting projects when opening a not found project via URL handler (in case it was just created and not yet loaded)
- BG-I33467: PWM block not finishing current cycle after input values are changed while in the middle of a cycle
- BG-I33497: Default gateway flagged as invalid even though valid
- BG-I33704: Liveview not showing <v.t> format correctly
- BG-I34382: Weather error inputs not working
- BG-I34262: Http Server responds with wrong answer for options request on proxy device
- BG-I34313: Advanced IP search not working
- API actor opens edit field when clicked in the right place
- Improved update of Compacts on an older version
- Config will now trigger a reboot before starting the update to free up memory
- BG-I33374: Audioserver systemmessage doesn’t get confirmed when Audioserver is not reachable
- BG-I34272: HTTP Output not saving reply as file when parent folder is missing
- BG-I33511: Prevent the entry of a ‘*’ in the Packet-ID
- BG-I34137: System Variable Outdoor Temperature taken from Weather Station does not use Fahrenheit
- BG-I33873: NFC Learn Monitor: Learn mode stops, visualization shows it running
- BG-I34259: Window – output stays on, but connected relay turns off
- BG-I34125: Periphery Tree – removing filter expands tree items
- BG-I34469 fixed crash when closing project before upload to Exosphere has been finished
- BG-I34431 some settings of controls couldn’t be edited from within system scheme dialog
- BG-I34352 fixed incorrect highlighting in CmdRecognition dialog when content contains certain special characters
- BG-I28711: Control History not visible in App when visualization password was checked
- BG-I34270: Tree Turbo caption missing when importing Miniserver Compact Client program with duplicate serial in the project
- BG-I34371: System Backup deleting Audioserver during backup up causes Config crash
- BG-I34588: Manual connection does not prefill port of external address
- BG-I34376: Managed Tablet shows up incorrectly in burglar alarm history
- Mqtt Plugin settings don’t show proper description
- Plugins shown as In Development in F5 search
- BG-I34642: Invalid icons for MQTT ribbon
- BG-I34508: Default value for RS232/485 is always limited by validation
- Increased timeout for Audioserver being offline while rebooting/updating
- BG-I34630: room selection didn’t work in table views (e.g. learn dialogs)
- BG-I34386: Burglar Alarm activated/deactivated via Central Alarm does not show app-user
- Touch pure flex controller: Brightness threshold now considered for setpoints with “lighting”.
- BG-I34143: NFC Code Touch CSV Template sometimes displays the wrong format for date/time
- BG-I34173: NFC Code Touch: Slovakian translation not working correctly in some cases
- BG-I33921: Connection references not being repositioned correctly when opening a project
- BG-I34268: Duplicating Actors/Sensors doesn´t contribute to undo/redo
- BG-I34476: API Command control selection dialog always filters by room
- BG-I34265: Outdated info popup when adding tree 2 air bridge
- Miniserver not expanded when opening project
- BG-I34145: /dev/cfg/ntp/[server] webservice not working as documented
- BG-I34250: Api Commands containing ‘&’ are not parsed correctly
- BG-I33908: Previous day statistics load only until current time when downloading
- BG-I33822: Automatic Designer – rules from previous years get triggered
- BG-I34132: Program/PicoC – in some cases no lines are visible after pasting code into editing dialog
- A3D9-T1556: No proper error message when starting air search and project was not yet saved to Miniserver
- Firewall Ports are not properly opened on install
- Audio Update messages of Client Compacts show up in Update Dialog</v.t>
- BG-I32851 Dali lights can’t be switched Off via the Dali Group
- BG-I32672 DALI is no longer synchronizing correctly. Lights are turning on sequentially
- BG-I31870 Daylight responsive lighting doesn’t update the output correctly
- BG-I32844 Constant Brightness Controller resets its target to 2% after double click on block
- fixed Configuration data corruption for the DALI Extension (BG-I32839)
- BG-I32978: Smart Actuator TW: different allowed range for coldest/warmest temperature
- BG-I34083: Table Lamp Air cannot be selected in presence control
- Lighting Controller – SetT5 command without specified button does not work
- BG-I33771 Products are missing in generated partlist
- BG-I33566 Touch Pure Flex Tree is not calculated in power usage
- BG-I33463 Intelligent Room controller automatically adapt parameter ϑExc when changing comfort temperatures or deviation
- BG-I30341 Info text for AC Configuration dialog is cut off
- Config-context-menu for AC diagnostics not enabled
- BG-I33470 Heating/Cooling capabilities not set for AC Unit Controller
- BG-I33336 Intelligent Room controller manual target temperature can be set outside heat/frost protection
- BG-I32960 Intelligent Room controller current learning phase not stored when saving into miniserver
- BG-I31959 Mode “Fixed Setpoint” reset after saving into miniserver
- HVAC Controller: prevent deactivation by reduced demand during startup phase
- BG-I34372: Intelligent Roomcotroller: History entry für mode change not displayed when additional outputs are blocked
- BG-I33804: Intelligent Roomcontroller – Additional outputs stay active when using with AC Central Controller
- BG-I34176: Intelligent Roomcontroller – Additional outputs stay active when heating and cooling controller is locked
- BG-I33940: Intelligent Room Controller – multiple AC Controls with same AC Central cannot be added
- BG-I34553: Roomsize can be entered as decimal
- BG-I34339: Fastorder link not working anymore
- BG-I33982: Predefined Shading device in default Polish plan changed to N2R
- BG-I34040: Belimo Device shows as Hunter power view in Part list
- BG-I34489: Client unreachable system message shows wrong Miniserver name
- Clients interfere with update progress bar in Loxone Config
- BG-I34600: Trust Usergroup memberships not transferred to clients in very large group
- BG-I33851 Roof Window Shading cannot be unlocked via app when locked by central
- BG-I33264 Fixed config-simulation for automatic shading
- Automatic Shading: blinds not closing via Pc when previously operated via input Slat
- BG-I34142: Raising shades triggered by Alarm is delayed
- BG-I33694 Music Player setting for Highpassfilter only visible when non-dummy-speakers are connected
- BG-I33687 Music Player Group use room as airplay name if only group in room
- BG-I32929 Audio Device Search fails if result contains invalid characters
- BG-I33434 Bluetooth configuration sent when not controlled by logic
- Some outputs jittering randomly
- Delay between Stereo Extension and Active Speakers
- BG-I30187: Music Player – Alarm event triggered by Alarm Control not shown in history
- BG-I34370: Audio Devices not added via F5-Search when no music server is selected
- BG-I34226: Device Status – no room information for music extension / speakers
- BG-I34154: Audio Player shows Bluetooth input without connected speakers
- BG-I34325 unplayable library tracks not handled correctly. Proper Error message now shown
- BG-I34308 fixed issue with SPDIF volume too high even with volume 1
- HLS Streams (BBC Radio) not listed and playable
- BG-T3595 remove applying default EQ Settings when adding Amp outputs on Audioserver / Extension.
- BG-T3596 add watchdog for system services (avahi)
- When connecting / playing with Spotify Connect, all contextual changes (another playlist,album,etc…) are written to the history events
- issue with some outputs jittering randomly
- delay between Stereo Extension and Active Speakers
- issue where Event was cut-off when played on a Client Speaker only
- BG-I33535 send reboot event to websocket when rebooting via Admin Interface
- BG-I33324 fixed Audioserver’s that do an update show offline after 5 minutes.
- BG-I33410 fix unplayable station ‘100hitz – Top 40’ due to line termination in pls file provided by station
- Techreport can be generated on ISP Speakers and are also included if a Techreport was triggered by Miniserver
- BG-I33747 fixed issue with ISP Speakers losing DNS configuration from DHCP server and therefore not playing Spotify
- changed Stream Encoding in favor of cpu load issues
- BG-I34082 fixed Playlist items not moveable
- crash when Extension reports an invalid serial number
- BG-I32329 Mastervolume not correctly applied to Players when increasing
- BG-I34292 Soundsuit Playback issue when CDN failed to respond correctly. Now proper Error Message is shown or Offline Content played
- BG-I34296 Soundsuit Change to Normalized API Endpoint in favor or Metadata based Normalization
- BG-I34325 unplayable library tracks not handled correctly. Proper Error message now shown
- BG-I34308 fixed issue with SPDIF volume too high even with volume 1
- HLS Streams (BBC Radio) not listed and playable
- BG-T3560 use Soundsuit-defined Coverurls instead static ones
- Healthcheck on MS Compact did not work reliably
- issue for some installations not able to play Bluetooth
- renaming a Bluetooth-enabled player can cause a pairing issue when connecting the first time via Bluetooth
- BG-I34530 fixed invalid player/group names causing Players to stop working
- Volumes fixed on Master/Client Speakers, now using old volume curve again from last Release
- issue with client speakers and configured offset volume cause periodic volume in/decrease
- issue with client speakers not playing but show playing
- wrong state shown for client speakers when offline / updating
- time synchronization for Master/Client Speakers when no ntp server is present at startup
Auto Configuration
- Central blocks are set as favorite
- Reduced brightness of night mood
- Removed connections of Room, house off and good night to presence controller
- BG-I33070 Digital inputs which were planned as window contacts are not connected to window monitor
- BG-I33339 Autoconfig set cool light for night mode
- BG-I33338 Rooms not correctly set when inputs are connected on another page/room
- BG-I34726: Heating/Cooling outputs not connected to heating/cooling controller output on IRC
- BG-I34298: Reprogramming a sleep room disconnects existing presence logic
- BG-I34400: Meter names not applied to meter blocks
- BG-I34368: Audio shown as unassigned
- BG-I33730 Trust Users which are set on the source to activate on a certain date will not get active on clients
- BG-I30010 Trust outputs can be copied
- Trust User group can’t be transferred to client when it has too many members
- BG-I33496 Load Manager could not set MaxP parameter above hidden MaxTp parameter in Overload mode
- Wallbox Manager power not evenly distributed when limited by a top parent strand
- BG-I33183 Energy-Meter adding a sensor scrolls tree to top
- BG-I33736 Rest Meters in EFM have automatic statistic deletion enabled in older projects
- BG-I33731 Spot Price Optimizer Average output not working (introduced with
- BG-I32957 Spot Price Optimizer does not react to the -off command
- BG-I32881 Energy Flow Monitor sets outputs to 0 for some time when price changed in expert settings
- BG-I32860 Spot Price Optimizer stops automation when saving into MS
- Wallbox2 Session started/ended pulse not created in certain situations
- BG-I32798 SPO UK 30min EPEX incorrect Max,Min,Avg calculations in some cases
- BG-I32290 SPO formula does not work
- BG-I32455 Wallbox Manager no target power on Wallbox, if Wallbox and Wallbox Manager on different clients
- BG-I33048 Wallbox charging was allowed when input Ec was not inverted with nothing connected to it
- BG-I34573: Wallbox Manger assigned power for strands withing a strand displayed wrong in the App
- BG-I34294: Load Manager negative grid power would lead to more loads being unlocked above MaxP
- Improved status refresh handling
- Edit dialog pops up after inserting objects
- Saving to Miniserver from Ribbon not working
- BG-I34302: Linked controls can’t be modified for single Miniserver
- BG-I33284 Config crash when rebooting devices during diagnostics
- BG-I33443 Config crash when saving to Miniserver
- BG-I33571 Config crash after changing a setting
- Config crash while loading from Miniserver after an Update
- Config crashes while working with Multiplicator project
- Config crash while saving to Miniserver
- BG-I33985: Miniserver loads emergency program after receiving text memory values
- BG-I33983: Text Memories not fully transmitted on Gateway/Client if sendbuffer size exceeds limit
- BG-I29118: Receive Timeout Error during time changeover
- BG-I34047: Config crash while editing Multiplicator project
- Miniserver watchdog reboot after update due to slower SD card
- BG-I34601: Miniserver reboot caused by ping race condition
- BG-I34491: Config crash when tabing through properties
- BG-I33637 Initial sequence number of TCP/IP stack of Miniserver Gen.1 can be predicted
- A3D9-T1483 Users can access tokens.xml which contains the stored tokens
- Access via http is now restricted
- A3D9-T1485 Users use same uuid as other projects, when the project is based on the default file