How do I pair Neat Pad with Neat Board?
I need to use the Neat Pad as the controller for my Neat Board, how can I perform this setup? Are there any guides?
I need to use the Neat Pad as the controller for my Neat Board, how can I perform this setup? Are there any guides?
Fortunately, the Neat Board is a self-sufficient Zoom Room device with its touch screen and doesn't require the Neat Pad to be configured.
There are benefits to using the Neat Pad as an additional Zoom Room Controller if there is a large meeting and you can use the Pad for managing it.
If you decide to include the Neat Pad with the Neat Board, the pairing happens only at the Zoom level. Choose either the "Add controller" or "Add a scheduling display" when setting up the Pad, where you need to manually enter the pairing/activation code.
From this point on, the Neat Pad can be used only to control the Zoom Room options of your Neat Board.
Anyway, it is not paired on the Neat firmware level and has no knowledge or control over the Neat Board settings, therefore you will not be able to directly change any of those.
A very common issue is that the Board might be connected on a wired Ethernet network and the Pad on a Wi-Fi network, or vice versa. This could work fine if both networks advertise the same subnet and allow unrestricted IP routing or mDNS, but usually, that is not the case.
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