Ability to enable Chromium logs for Direct Guest Join calls
Neat neat.pad Updates
Software, firmware and hardware updates
The product life cycle of Neat neat.pad is presented in chronological order in the following summary.. This overview includes important technical updates such as bug fixes, new features, as well as news about product launches, recalls, and end-of-life announcements, sourced from Neat, selected partners, or the devicebase editorial team. By joining the devicebase community, you can stay up-to-date with neat.pad and its developments..
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) only mode (beta feature)
UpdateNew ability to mirror the primary display on through all HDMI-out ports on a Neat device.
UpdateDevices menu shows all paired devices and connectivity status
UpdateNew NeatOS version numbering convention and other features
UpdateAutomatic time zone suggestion during initial setup and other features
UpdateNew function and bug fixes
UpdateIntroduction several features and bug fixes
UpdateMore from the Conferencing Technology section
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