
What is EtherNet/IP scanner vs adapter?

What functions differentiate the EtherNet/IP scanner and adapter, what functions do they perform?

finlay-r / enthusiast (112)


Top answer

Any EtherNet/IP CPU controller can be set to have two different functions.

EtherNet/IP Scanner also can be described as the Master/Originator/Client. The Scanner can originate (or control) an EtherNet/IP session, capable of both reading data and writing the data to the adapters.

EtherNet/IP Adapter, also Slave/Target/Server, is described as a target, left as accessible to the EtherNet/IP scanner device. When a controller is configured to be an adapter, the operators can determine which data tags are able to be accessed by the scanner.

An EtherNet/IP controller can contain multiple node definitions, both for adapter or scanner.

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