
Issue LD-60 - Status Docked - Bulk?

I contact you to support on this question:
On one LD-60 robotics base we have the follow issue: when the LD-60 is in status docked (float or overcharge) after a few time the LD-60 status become into status docked = "Bulk"!
Successively, the battery level decreases progressively until to shutdown LD-60, because the battery level = 0%.
Please, if you have a suggestion for our issue it is welcome.
Best regards,


Top answer

Hi Michele,

According to the reference guide from Omron using the syntax command "dock" might be causing/forcing the AMR into that "Bulk" state. It is shown that is likely one of the command returns:

DockingState: Docking ForcedState: Unforced ChargeState: Bulk

Some of the details you can find on page 71 of the online PDF Reference Guide:


You might try their suggested solution, presented on page 246 of the same document, where the syntax command "undock" can stop the docking state if the AMR does not automatically undock when it's fully charged.

Best regards,


David / expert (1066)

Hi Damjan,

first of all, thanks a lot for your answer.
The issue is that: the ARCL response is (for example):

Status is DockingState: Docked ForcedState: Unforced ChargeState: Bulk

when, the DockingState is DOCKED and ChargeState is Bulk, therefore the question is:
could you tell us it means Bulk and could you tell us when the Bulk state occurs on the Omron LD-60?

Please, if you have a suggestion for our issue it is welcome.
Best regards,

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