Meeting Owl
Is the camera quality sufficient for larger meetings?
The camera of the Meeting Owl has "only" a resolution of 720p. Is the quality still sufficient even with large display units on the opposite side?
The camera of the Meeting Owl has "only" a resolution of 720p. Is the quality still sufficient even with large display units on the opposite side?
Product reviews suggest that the video quality is good considering it has a 360-degree field of view. But reviews are subjective, so opinions for video quality may be okay for them but not for you. You can achieve higher video quality (1080p) by getting the Meeting Owl Pro if the 720p quality from the standard Meeting Owl is not enough for you.
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Error 31. What does this error message mean?
Meeting Owl App says "Error 31". Can somebody help?
"Plug in your Meeting Owl via USB" error message?
Meeting Owl App for desktop says “Plug in your Meeting Owl via USB”. What does this error message mean?
Wie verwende ich Owl Connect, um zwei Meeting Owls zu koppeln?
Wie verwende ich Owl Connect, um zwei Meeting Owls zu koppeln?
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