What is the difference between PROFINET RTClass 1 and RTClass 3?

What is the difference between PROFINET RTClass 1 and RTClass 3?

harryM / newcomer (9)


Top answer

The PROFINET RTClasses used defines the type of real-time data exchange that is used by a PROFINET connection.

over9k / expert (2327)

For the PROFINET developers, the Real Time class is set in the GSD file, under the tag=SupportedRT_Classes, or in the configuration tool of the controller. The classes are shown below:

  • RT_CLASS_UDP = RT over UDP/IP (with this RT can be sent via a router, not used much up to now)
  • RT_CLASS_1 = RT (for CC-A and CC-B)
  • RT_CLASS_2 = IRT (depreciated and not used today)
  • RT_CLASS_3 = IRT (used when motion or high-speed applications are necessary, CC-C)

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