Q-SYS DesignerQSC
Q-SYS Designer

PIP in Qsys Desginer?

How do you create a selectable PIP (picture in picture) mode in Qsys Designer ?


Top answer

This option is not offered directly by Q-Sys, so it might be possible in a roundabout way.

  1. one possibility would be to create the whole thing with the Image Control module.
  2. a second possibility would be to integrate the whole thing via Lua.

  • To use the function you need the Love library. How to integrate it can be foundhere.
function love.load()image1 = love.graphics.newImage("image1.png")image2 = love.graphics.newImage("image2.png")canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(image1:getWidth(), image1:getHeight())endfunction love.draw()-- draw on the virtual canvaslove.graphics.setCanvas(canvas)love.graphics.clear()love.graphics.draw(image1)love.graphics.draw(image2, x, y, 0, 0.5, 0.5, image2:getWidth()/2, image2:getHeight()/2)love.graphics.setCanvas()-- Draw the virtual canvas on the screenlove.graphics.draw(canvas)endfunction love.update(dt)-- controls to adjust the position of the second imageif love.keyboard.isDown('up') theny = y - 100 * dtendif love.keyboard.isDown('down') theny = y + 100 * dtendif love.keyboard.isDown('left') thenx = x - 100 * dtendif love.keyboard.isDown('right') thenx = x + 100 * dtendend

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