AV System Integration
PIP in Qsys Desginer?
How do you create a selectable PIP (picture in picture) mode in Qsys Designer ?
How can I send and receive UDP or TCP commands?
How can I send and receive UDP or TCP commands?
Where can I find the files from the emulation mode?
Where can I find the files from the emulation mode?
Can I integrate external Lua scripts?
Can I integrate external Lua scripts? If so, how?
Q-Sys Control App for Android?
Is there a Q-Sys Control app for Android? I've moved away from iOS and many customers don't want Apple either....
How can I add my own styles to the UCI that are valid globally?
How can I add my own styles to the UCI that are valid globally?
62 205 219
Unified CommunicationZoom Inc.
Zoom Video Conferencing
537 586 247
Unified CommunicationGoogle
87 78 119
Unified CommunicationQSC
3 6 16
AV over IPSennheiser
TeamConnect Ceiling Medium (TCCM)
7 2 15
Networked MicrophonesSennheiser
TeamConnect Bar S
2 7 23
All-in-One Video ConferenceCrestron
A system maintenance and diagnostics software package containing applications for Crestron devices.
VisionTools Pro-e
Crestron’s Windows-based software for designing touch screen and XPanel pages.
A software that provides all the tools necessary to configure, program, test, and debug an integrated control system application.
ControlSpace Designer
Provides all the essential functionalities and tools to configure both the audio signal processing and network operation of Bose sound processors and amplifiers.
Dante® Controller
Software used to setup and monitor a Dante network
XiO Cloud
An IoT-based deployment and management platform for supported Crestron hardware.
Dante Via
A software for computer-based audio multi-channel routing that enables various applications and devices to be networked and interconnected.
Control Cockpit
Sennheiser’s in-house software for managing, control and maintenance of the entire SpeechLine Digital Wireless and other supported hardware.
More from the Apps & Software section
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