Flip 4 Pro (WM55B, WM65B, WM75B, WM85)Samsung
Flip 4 Pro (WM55B, WM65B, WM75B, WM85)

Create a connection to a network drive on a Mac?

hello,despite countless attempts, we cannot manage to create a connection of the flip to a shared folder on a mac (macos catalina, monterey and ventura).smb is enabled in the share, but the address entry according to the scheme "ip-address/shared folder" unfortunately does not work.
is there any idea what it could be or i should look? thanks.

giaflip / newcomer (10)


Hi, check your settings again.

  • Flip is in the same W-Lan (network) as your Mac.
  • SMB sharing with user is enabled.

    Bildschirm­foto 2024-01-18 um 10.39.24.png
  • On the flip itself, the address must be entered in the format Address: //IP address of the computer/Name of the shared folder.

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  • Also check whether the connection works from a Windows PC.
  • If necessary, accept Flip's terms and conditions Menu -> Settings -> Support -> General terms and conditions

I have no specific computer / it skills. I have difficulty in getting Network Drive connected. The answer doesn't help me. Is someone able to support me e.g. by phone with connecting my Flip Pro to my MacBook as a Network Drive?

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