Flip 4 Pro (WM55B, WM65B, WM75B, WM85)
Why does the screen freeze?
While the screen turns on normally, then the touch freezes and gets stuck. Any idea? Thanks a lot.
While the screen turns on normally, then the touch freezes and gets stuck. Any idea? Thanks a lot.
It could be that a faulty configuration is the cause.
Check here to see if an update is available for your device. https://devicebase.net/de/samsung-flip-4-pro-wm55b-wm65b-wm75b-wm85/updates. If an update is available, you can update your Flip with a USB stick or via the Internet.
Another thing you can try is to reset the device. For this, however, you need a Samsung remote control, e.g. BN59-01180B. Then point the remote control to the back of the flip, approximately where the connections for HDMI etc. are, then press Mute -> 1 8 2 -> Power ON. The device will now restart and open the service menu. Here you can now perform a factory reset under Option -> Reset.
If you change other settings, you may render the device unusable.
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