
How to install siemens logo software?

Is there a special way how to install Siemens Logo software and where it can be found? Is the software free or do you have to pay for it?

joe-kaye / enthusiast (179)


Top answer

So the LOGO! Soft Comfort software that is supplied by Siemens is a full software version and there is no need for additional licensing once it's bought.

If you don't purchase the LOGO! Starter Kit which has the software included, you will have to buy it separately.

Unfortunately, there have been some reports and appeals because the software comes only with a CD/DVD and we know that the new laptops and PCs come without a DVD drive. People are using external DVD drives or copying the files to a USB stick somehow.

Apparently, the full version can't be downloaded directly - that is only an update or a demo version.

Also, there are some sites that probably offer a free LOGO! Soft Comfort software, but definitely do not recommend downloading there - there might be everything on it, from the wrong version, wrong software, and potential viruses.

When it comes down to installing it is pretty much simple install - accept and continue like any other software, no special requirements or skills to do it.

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