multiMATIC AppVaillant
multiMATIC App

Register failed ?

Register to smartphone error

I am in the process of making my heating system smart

I have Vaillant EcoCompact VSC 146

Room controller MultiMATIC 700/6

I wanted to connect Vaillant VR 900 to make the system smarter

everything runs like clockwork

VR 900 connected

app downloaded

I start the registration and enter everything the app asks for

connect VR 900 with lan cable

Modem is recognized

then comes message system successfully put into operation

Next window

select username and password

I type in to feel all the criteria big and letters

+ special characters

tap on continue

but it always comes back with an error

contact support

or try later

can someone tell me what is going on?


Top answer
  • Invalid credentials: You may have entered invalid credentials. Make sure you meet all criteria and use only allowed special characters.
  • Server Problems: It is also possible that server issues are causing you to receive the error. Try again later or contact Vaillant support to see if there is a problem they can fix.
  • Compatibility Issues: It is also possible that the Vaillant MultiMATIC app or VR 900 are not compatible with your smartphone. Check the system requirements and make sure your device meets them.
  • Network problems: It is also possible that network issues are causing you to receive the error. Make sure you have a stable internet connection and that all network devices are working properly.

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