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multiMATIC App

The system does not show a yield display from the solar?

The system does not show a yield display from the solar, what can be done here?

user22052 / newcomer (8)


Top answer
  • Check that your solar system is properly connected and operating. Make sure that all cables are firmly connected and that the solar panels receive enough sunlight.
  • Make sure your solar array is connected to your Multimatic system. Verify that the connection between your inverter and your Multimatic system is properly established. You can also check the user manual of your solar installation to make sure you have followed all the steps to connect it to your Multimatic system.
  • Check that you are using the latest version of the Multimatic app. Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of the app from the App Store or Google Play.
  • Make sure that your Multimatic app has access to your solar system data. Go to the settings of your smartphone and check that you have given the app the necessary permissions.

Contact Multimatic customer support or your solar system manufacturer for further assistance. There may be technical issues with your solar system that need to be addressed by a professional.

fbrgstllr / skilled (642)

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