Yamaha Dante Firmware Compatibility?
Yamaha QL1 Main VS.70 with Dante
Tio1608-V1.04 with Dante
Dante Controller
M1 Mac Monterey 12.2.1
Does anyone know of any compatibility problems with the above? Issues with Dante network. QL1 doesn't have control of Tio head amp. Tio is mounted. Swapped dumb switches, swapped Tios, swapped desks, network cable, finally software updated to the above. After software update QL1 controlled Tio head amps. Now it has stopped controling Tio head amps. QL1 is getting a 192 address even when set to auto IP or DHCP. Tried static IP, using a DHCP server, changing Unit ID, dip switches, all devices to redundant and then to daisy chain, factory reset of Tio & QL1, mounting TIO onto different slots on the QL1, bypassing the switch and straight to dante port on desk. Any advice or tips I can try?