Rally CameraLogitech
Rally Camera

Camera changes position independently. Why is that?

After the start, the camera automatically changes its position and sometimes points towards the ceiling. This also happens in ongoing online meetings - quite annoying. Only after 3-5 times reset to position 1 or 2 on the remote control it remains then times in its position, but then shows a life of its own and changes the zoom or goes back towards the ceiling.

The default position is set (LED has blinked), but after a start this position is not taken.

Mostly the camera is used via XSplit, but the effect also occurs without XSplit when used directly in an online tool.

What can I do?

chct-cha / newcomer (8)


Top answer

The fact that the camera moves independently and changes the zoom is due to "RightSight". This function they can turn off in the Logitech Sync app. For the problem with the start position I know no solution. Maybe an update of the camera helps. Also works via the Logitech Sync app.

over9k / expert (2327)

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