Teams Rooms (MTRoW)Microsoft
Teams Rooms (MTRoW)

What other settings can I configure besides those available in the GUI?

Is there any way to customize other settings in MTR besides the ones I find in the GUI?


Top answer
  1. AutoScreenShare: Automatic screen sharing.
  2. HideMeetingName: Hides the meeting name.
  3. AutoExitMeetingEnabled: Automatically exits the meeting.
  4. AudioRenderDefaultDeviceVolume: Sets the default device volume for audio rendering.
  5. UserAccount: Details such as Skype sign-in address, Exchange address, Domain username, and password.
  6. TeamsMeetingsEnabled: Enables Teams meetings.
  7. IsTeamsDefaultClient: Sets Teams as the default client.
  8. UseCustomInfoForThirdPartyMeetings: Allows custom information for third-party meetings.
  9. AllowRoomRemoteEnabled: Enables room remote.
  10. CortanaWakewordEnabled: Enables the Cortana wake word.
  11. NoiseSuppressionDefault: Default noise suppression setting.
  12. Devices: Device-specific settings like microphone and speaker for communication, default speaker, and settings for a content camera.
  13. Theming: Allows for custom theme settings, including theme name and color.
  14. CoordinatedMeetings: Enables coordinated meetings and defines trusted accounts and meeting settings.
  15. EnableResolutionAndScalingSetting: Enables resolution and scaling setting.
  16. MainFoRDisplay: Sets the main display resolution and scaling.
  17. EnableDeviceEndToEndEncryption: Enables end-to-end encryption for the device.
  18. SplitVideoLayoutsDisabled: Disables split video layouts

All Settings can be found here:

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