Teams Rooms (MTRoW)Microsoft
Teams Rooms (MTRoW)

Not able to create a breakout room?

The person that created events from a Shared calendar is not recognized as an owner, therefore not able to create breakout rooms. This happens even if the creator of a certain event is set as the owner. Is there any set of rules that can help to delegate this?


Top answer
  • First you should check the settings in the domain that the person is also recognized as a member in their organization.
  • It is also possible for only the meeting organizers to create a breakout room. Breakout rooms are limited to a maximum of 300 people. If breakout rooms are already created, no more people than 300 can be invited.
  • check if the room can be created via Teams -> Calendar -> Discuss now -> Create breakout room.
  • Breakout rooms cannot be created if:
  1. you are not the meeting organizer or have not been designated as the breakout room manager.
  2. the meeting has been cancelled
  3. the thread in which the channel meeting was organized has been deleted.
  4. the meeting was organized in a private or shared channel.
  5. you joined from an unsupported client.
  6. breakout rooms have been disabled by a policy through your admin portal.

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