Zoom Rooms
Clean up the list of cameras?
after several tests, the dropdown list of cameras is filled with file corpses. Where and how can I clean them up?
after several tests, the dropdown list of cameras is filled with file corpses. Where and how can I clean them up?
Device Management allows account owners and admins to manage their devices in a centralized location. In the Device list, you can view all of your managed devices that are enrolled or not in ZDM.
Notes: Devices that are not enrolled in ZDM can be upgraded, downgraded, removed from the list but are not editable for further management. You can lock settings to all of your devices. You must have Owner or admin privileges.
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Is Zoom Room a dedicated user or infrastructure?
Is a zoom room user owns a room or only software in which the user logs in with his own zoom licence.
Why does my connection drop when screen sharing?
I have the following problem: Generally, the Zoom meetings work and I can participate in them without any problems. However, as soon as the host...
Dual monitors with separate expanded speaker & gallery views?
As the participant in a physical fitness Zoom class I would like to be able to use two monitors and have the speaker/instructor on one...
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