IO-Link StandardIO-Link
IO-Link Standard

First step to communicate with max14824?

Hi All,

I use an Arduino in combination with a pcb with a MAX14824 IO-Link tranceiver.

I am able to send the wake-up request and i see that the sensor is not in IO-mode anymore(so it's in SIO-mode :) ).

I read that the first message has to be: 0x2A (data), 0x00(CKT). But if I send that i didnt get any response.

On the scope I see the 0x2a, 0x00 but i didnt see any response.

- anyone ideas?

- should I constantly put TxEn LOW or only whem the master sends data?

- should the sensor constantly in push-pull mode or only while wake-up?

help is appreciated!!

kind regards,

Evert van der Meij

The Netherlands


Top answer

In the manual ofMouser the wake-up request is described quite well. It can also be that you have to swap RX/TX. Some manufacturers write it the other way around, what should be connected or what is occupied.

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