Rally PlusLogitech
Rally Plus

Blueish tint in camera image after PC restart?

We recently updated our Logitech Rally system via Logitech Sync. After the update, the camera image has a blue cast. We checked the settings in the camera settings app, there was the automatic white balance turned off. If you turn this back on, the picture fits again.

Unfortunately, the problem occurs again after a restart. The automatic was disabled. Is there a solution to solve the problem permanently?

user93064 / newcomer (8)


Top answer

The error with the blue tint of the Logitech cameras is known and comes from the software camera settings, which does not keep the setting automatic white balance.

In order for the automatic white balance to remain activated, it must be activated in the Logitech Camera Settings app. The app must then be uninstalled.

Now check the camera image via the Camera function in Windows or test the behaviour in a video conference.

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