Teams Rooms (MTRoW)Microsoft
Teams Rooms (MTRoW)

How to configure ServiceNow for Teams Rooms?

What are the prerequisites and steps for configuring a ServiceNow environment on the Microsoft Teams Rooms Premium portal?


Top answer

The environment is highly customizable, depending on your organization's needs. These steps will help you how to set up the existing configuration in ServiceNow:

You can open the ServiceNow instance you want to use because you will need a reference to it when you complete the configuration in the Teams Rooms Premium portal.

In another tab, go to the Teams Rooms Premium portal and navigate to the Settings section. Select the Service now and open the configuration form.

Select the authentication method for signing in and place the ServiceNow Instance Host and API URI.

The required items in the ServiceNow Field column of the Field Mapping section will be pre-filled and the table below contains each of the ServiceNow fields corresponding to the Microsoft Teams Rooms fields. Finish with actions for each of the rows of the Field Mapping section.

hugh-eddie / enthusiast (136)

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