Barco Clickshare CS-100 Support
Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to Barco Clickshare CS-100 within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. Barco representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.
All questions about Barco Clickshare CS-100
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What can I do about the audio/video sync problems?
Is there a solution for the audio/video runtime differences?
Error:"All buttons are used by another application"
Error code: "All buttons are used by another application", the ClickShare client does not start.
Can't establish a connection?
Dongle flashes, launcher and dongle files open, but after that only "Prepare from" and "Select conference room" is displayed. No connection is established, nor can...
How can I turn off the screen saver in ClickShare?
You can turn off the screen saver so that the instructions are always displayed?
Problems with video transmission, video jerks strongly, what to do?
I have the problem that when I transfer a video via Click-Share CS-100 to the beamer, this is noticeably jerky.
If I connect the HDMI cable...
ClickShare does not work on macOS
When plugged into a Mac, ClickShare buttons can’t connect to the base unit.
What is the difference between the CS-100 and CSE-200?
What distinguishes the CS-100 from the CSE-200 apart from an additional button?
CSC-1 buttons can be combined with the CS-100.
Why can't I connect CSM-1 or CSC-1 buttons (R9861005) to my CS-100?
New ClickShare buttons no longer work!
Why do the new buttons not work with CSC-1 or CSM-1?
Are admin rights required to use the buttons?
Do you need to be a device administrator on a Windows laptop or system to download the ClickShare software from the buttons?
Where can I enable the ClickShare Auto-Update feature?
How do I activate the auto-update function?
Is there a wall mount from the manufacturer for the CS-100?
Is there a wall bracket for the CS-100 to mount it e.g. behind the monitor?
Televic Confidea and ClickShare do not work together.
Televic Confidea and ClickShare do not work in parallel operation. What to do?
My Clickshare Client does not work anymore?
My client (any of the 4 I have) stops working on my laptop (and exclusively on my laptop). On other computers it goes smoothly.
Can I have Internet, while connected to ClickShare's WifF?
I just installed our CS-100 device in the conference room and was able to connect my Android phone to CS and project my phone on...
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