
How to share laptop screen over HDMI with Logitech Zoom Tap?

Although we press the content share icon attached screen shows up on the TAP. What shall we do? Do we have to enter share.zoom.us

user20672 / newcomer (26)


Top answer

You have 3 Options:

  1. Plugin the HDMI cable going into the TAP display (and wait 10s)
  2. Use the Zoom app or share.zoom.us and share to room
  3. For Apple devices, you can use Airplay (you have to be in the same network as Tap room pc)

Zoom app or share.zoom.us and airplay is working well but when we try HDMI cable connection directly to the TAP it is not working? Is there something we should extra?

user20672 / newcomer (26)

Is the Windows incl. drivers up to date? The HDMI input on the Logitech Tap requires its own driver, which may not have been installed at the time of shipment. As far as we are informed, the interface is called Logitech Screen Share.

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