AV System Integration
What is the Windows password for Skype (Teams) Administator?
With which standard user password can I log in to the administrator account of the team version? After the setup...
How do I get access to the Windows Admin?
I would like to configure the NUC. How do I manage to log in as Windows-Admin?
What is the Windows password for Zoom / Zoom Admin?
What are the default passwords for Tap Zoom Rooms to log into the Windows 10 interface?
With our Logitec Tap the tap screen does not work?
To all who it concerns
On our Logitec Tap the tap screen is not working? Below the screen, only the Logitech...
How to share laptop screen over HDMI with Logitech Zoom Tap?
Although we press the content share icon attached screen shows up on the TAP. What shall we do? Do we...
Is NUC needed for controlling Logitech Tap?
I have a Logitech Rally Plus set up without the NUC and ordered the Tap seperately. Everything works well except...
62 205 219
Unified CommunicationZoom Inc.
Zoom Video Conferencing
531 586 247
Unified CommunicationMicrosoft
Teams Rooms (MTRoW)
28 199 70
Apps & SoftwareLogitech
27 12 27
Cloud ServicesLogitech
Rally Bar
45 187 26
All-in-One Video ConferenceZoom Inc.
Zoom Rooms
78 22 89
Apps & SoftwareLogitech
Rally Plus
Logitech Rally Plus is a fully featured video conferencing system consisting of the Rally camera, microphones, loudspeakers and transmission link.
ThinkSmart Core + Controller Kit
The Lenovo ThinkSmart Core + Controller Kit is a computer with touch panel for video conferencing room systems.
ThinkSmart Hub Gen 2
Lenovo ThinkSmart Hub Gen 2 is a video conferencing room system controller.
Easily hold a conference call in medium to large meeting rooms with up to 20 people.
The Polycom MSR100 is a native Microsoft room system specifically designed for break rooms.
RealPresence Group 300/310
A video conferencing system that is easy to use, offers outstanding performance at an affordable price and is designed specifically for small groups.
Q-SYS Native Touch Screen Controller
The Q-SYS Native Touch Screen Controls are used to control the Q-SYS platform.
RealPresence Group 500
A video conferencing system that makes your group collaboration even more productive and efficient.
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