AV System Integration
Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to Logitech Tap within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. Logitech representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.
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What is the Windows password for Skype (Teams) Administator?
With which standard user password can I log in to the administrator account of the team version? After the setup of the NUC PC the...
How do I get access to the Windows Admin?
I would like to configure the NUC. How do I manage to log in as Windows-Admin?
What is the Windows password for Zoom / Zoom Admin?
What are the default passwords for Tap Zoom Rooms to log into the Windows 10 interface?
With our Logitec Tap the tap screen does not work?
To all who it concerns
On our Logitec Tap the tap screen is not working? Below the screen, only the Logitech name is highlighted in white....
How to share laptop screen over HDMI with Logitech Zoom Tap?
Although we press the content share icon attached screen shows up on the TAP. What shall we do? Do we have to enter share.zoom.us
Is NUC needed for controlling Logitech Tap?
I have a Logitech Rally Plus set up without the NUC and ordered the Tap seperately. Everything works well except for the tap that doesn't...
How to update the firmware for tab?
I have a issue with content sharing through Logitech tab
Can you use teams and zoom on one device ?
Hi, can I install Skype and Zoom on the Logitech Tap and then switch between the programs/apps?
What connections does the TouchDisplay tab have?
Does the device have its own power supply unit or is it also supplied with power via the USB-C connection to the PC?
Why does the screen turn black?
When the tap is used the screen briefly appears very magnified and then turns black. The Logitech logo at the bottom is still lit up....
How can I change the administrator password?
How to change the default sfb (teams) password?
How to shut down the system?
Is it possible to set the tap (teams) so that the system shuts down as soon as you press the power button on the NUC?
Is the Logitech Tap a standalone solution?
Hi, can I just connect a Logitech Meetup to the Logitech Tap and get started?
Screen goes blank?
The screen will go blank and then come back on. Sometimes I see a message saying HMDI not connected?
Logitech Tap and Rally Bar functionality question?
Apologies in advance if this has already been explained covered or answered, but I have a functionality question with using the Logitech Tap + Rally...
Tap does not display meeting titles, but the host person?
On the tap booked meetings appear to the left, but without the title of the meeting. Instead the host/organisers name is displayed.
I have tried the...
TAP not showing image?
Hi, we have a logi tap system that isn't showing any image on the controller through the USB to CAT and PoE converter? it is...
How does Logitech TAP and Google MEET work?
I have a logictech tap and an Intel NUC and we are in google workspace.
I do not understand how to connect this TAP with google...
Does the Logitech Tap have any other connections?
Hello, like Smartdock, can I connect the Logitech Group camera directly to the tap without a hub?
Tap Response?
When people enter the conference room to join a meeting at times, the TAP is unresponsive. There's no way to join a meeting with the...
Can I convert a zoom tap to a teams tap?
I have the lenovo think with the tap system and wondering if I can convert it to be used as a teams room instead of...
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