
How to setup remote access to the Loxone Miniserver?

I need to have remote access to my Loxone Miniserver when I am not on site. What are the requirements and steps to set up remote access?

landon-j / enthusiast (181)


Top answer

Assuming that the initial setup is performed and a secure password for the user/users is already defined, we can move on to the remote access setup.

You need to start up the Loxone Config software and connect to the Miniserver. Navigate to the Configure Miniserver button and activate the Remote Connect portion, as shown in the picture below.

When you are using Remote access via Remote Connect, the "Loxone Cloud DNS" and "Use Loxone Certificate" options in the Security tab are automatically enabled for you.

If you want to enable the remote Miniserver configuration via the Loxone Config software, please enable the following at the bottom of the window (as shown in the previous picture) - "Allow this Miniserver to be configured remotely with Loxone Config over the internet".

Once you are finished, press the "Apply and send to Miniserver" button, after which the Loxone Miniserver will reboot itself.

A short time after the reboot, the Miniserver can be reached from the Internet according to the following scheme -

The latter part of the website address is the serial number of your Loxone Miniserver. The access is then encrypted, supporting IPv4 and IPv6.

It is worth mentioning that if you are using the Generation 1 of Miniserver, the Remote Connet is not available in the configuration dialog.

sonny-s / enthusiast (262)

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